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Title: Jardinería desértica
Mes por mes

Author: George Brookbank and Félix P. Hurtado
ISBN     : 0-8165-2154-9
Price: $ 17.95 plus $ 4.00
          shipping and handling

Format: Paperback
Now available in a Spanish-language edition, this popular guide provides pointers to the maintenance needed to keep gardens flourishing and landscapes attractive throughout the year.  It combines the month-by-month gardening and landscaping activities from two separate books by George Brookbank-Desert Gardening, Fruits and Vegetables and Desert Landscaping - and was created in response to readers who have found the calendar sections of those books especially invaluable. And because not all deserts are the same, Brookbank is careful to point out differences in scheduling encountered by gardeners in low-and middle-elevation regions in California and the Southwest.
         Translated by master gardener Felix Hurtado, Jadineria desertica makes a wealth to common-sense wisdom available to Spanish-speaking readers.

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